Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Ranch

The feeling of being tied to the land is something that has dissipated with each generation as more and more people move away from agriculture towards cemented cities.  However, there are still many who feel deeply and even spiritually connected to their slice of the Earth.

This is a 1,000 acre ranch in the mountains of southern Utah where the owners feel a deep love of the land.

Interview With Owner

Click Here to Watch

Coyote Trap

While I was at the ranch, the owner's dog got caught in a coyote trap.  A member of their family and I were able to free her almost immediately and the dog was shaken, but unharmed. Yet, the presence of the trap was clearly very upsetting to the people who live there.  They have no idea who put it there, and that malicious object felt so out of place in the serene landscape.

Sunset in the Mountains